Kratom Information & Resource Center Launches Campaign in Wake of “Tsunami” of Unfair, Unbalanced Coverage of Coffee-Like Herb



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Kratom Media Watchdog Campaign Opens With Petition Urging Fair
Reporting; News Analysis Shows Nearly All Stories About Kratom Are
Unfair & Unbalanced.

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–An astonishing 92 percent of nearly 2500 stories about the coffee-like
herb kratom published between February 1-May 17, 2019 were unfair and
unbalanced, according to a
media analysis published today
by the newly launched Kratom
Information & Resource Center
(KIRC). In response, the Kratom
Information & Resource Center is urging concerned citizens to sign a
petition to nine leading U.S. news organizations appealing for fair
journalism to be practiced when it comes to kratom.

A wealth of expert contacts and resources are available at the KIRC
website at
The new watchdog group intends to directly confront members of the news
media who cover kratom in an unfair and unbalanced way.

The Kratom Information & Resource Center analysis of 2,500 kratom
stories over the roughly 15-week period looked at how kratom was covered
and where: “Kratom faces a tsunami of unfair and unbalanced media
coverage today: 92 percent of kratom coverage is negative, with little
or no balancing information. Only about 6 percent of kratom coverage was
found to be neutral/balanced. Negative coverage of kratom is driven by
local media, which tend to be more unfair/unbalanced in their approach
than national reporters. 90 percent of all kratom news coverage is


The media accountability petition now featured at the Kratom Information
& Resource Center website is directed to: ASNE – The American Society of
News Editors; Association of Health Care Journalists; Investigative
Reporters and Editors; MPA – The Association of Magazine Media; NAB –
National Association of Broadcasters; National Association of Science
Writers; News Media Alliance; National Newspaper Association; and the
Society of Professional Journalists.

The Kratom Information & Resource Center petition reads in part: “As the
heads of the leading U.S. organizations representing journalists
covering news, science and health issues, you are in a position to
encourage your members to start reporting on the coffee-like herb kratom
in a fair and balanced way. Please urge them to tell both sides of the
story, seek out the reputable scientists who dispute claims made against
kratom, and stop depicting kratom consumers as unsavory characters.”

“Kratom consumers are drawn from all walks of life including doctors,
teachers, law enforcement officers, veterans and grandparents. In nearly
all the United States, consumption of kratom is legal, even though media
coverage often incorrectly depicts it as illicit or some kind of street

“To date, most ‘reporting’ about the kratom consumed today by millions
of American adults without ill effect has been sensationalistic and
one-sided, the modern-day equivalent of the irresponsible and inaccurate
‘Reefer Madness’ media depictions that once were used to justify keeping
in place restrictions on marijuana and to stigmatize those choosing to
consume it.”

Other key aspects of the KIRC Web site include: detailed information
about eight leading kratom scientists and their related research; 11 key
facts essential to fair coverage of kratom; an online form for members
of the public to report unfair and unbalanced coverage of kratom; and
key infographics illustrating the facts about kratom.


All key individuals associated with the Kratom Information & Resource
Center also were involved in the successful 2016 campaign to stop the
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s push to schedule kratom as an
illegal drug.


The Kratom Information & Resource Center is an independent, media
watchdog organization devoted to fighting for the truth about kratom.
KIRC undertakes research, education and direct one-on-one outreach to
promote fair and balanced news coverage of kratom. Support for KIRC
efforts are welcome from the kratom industry and other sources, however
KIRC maintains 100-percent editorial control over its activities and
or @KratomFact
on Twitter



Max Karlin, (703) 276-3255, or

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