First 5 California Commends Legislature for Prioritizing Children and Families in Budget Package



Reading Time: 2 minutes

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–First 5 California applauds California’s legislative leadership for
moving forward a Budget Conversation that provides focus and prioritizes
California’s children and families.

“We are very grateful that California’s leadership has put children and
families first by moving forward on a comprehensive Budget,” said
Camille Maben, Executive Director of First 5 California. “Senate and
Assembly leadership have taken our state’s continuing prosperity to
invest in the long-term impact of early childhood education and family
support on our state’s shared future.”

The specific policy and funding details in both houses differ slightly
but are strong additions to the crucial groundwork laid by Governor
Newsom in his inaugural budget proposal.

Both the Senate and Assembly Budgets include robust investments in child
care, including the Governor’s promised first step toward universal
preschool. The Assembly Budget goes even further and adopts a crucial
policy that will establish a single, regionalized reimbursement rate
throughout the state for child care and preschool services, expands
educational opportunities and professional development for the early
childhood education (ECE) workforce via AB 324 (Aguiar-Curry), funds
program facilities in alignment with AB 452 (Mullin), and puts a
down-payment on early education data and local governance infrastructure.


Studies have clearly established that children receiving high-quality
care in properly supported settings with qualified early childhood
education and care staff provides a robust start for children and
families that improves education and health outcomes and prevents the
achievement gap. Further, these supports provide multi-generational
benefits that have a compounded return on investment and improve parent
education and career outcomes.

“We applaud and support our forward-thinking Administration and our
Legislature that place high-value on the health and well-being of some
of our most vulnerable populations. Together, we will continue to create
a bright future for all our youngest Californians,” added Ms. Maben.

About First 5 California

First 5 California was established in 1998 when voters passed
Proposition 10, which taxes tobacco products to fund services for
children ages 0 to 5 and their families. First 5 California programs and
resources are designed to educate and support teachers, parents, and
caregivers in the critical role they play during a child’s first five
years – to help California kids receive the best possible start in life
and thrive. For more information, please visit



Erin Gabel

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